Around 11 million Germans describe themselves as regular or occasional joggers. These figures come from surveys by sporting goods manufactur...
Around 11 million Germans describe themselves as regular or occasional joggers. These figures come from surveys by sporting goods manufacturers. The trend towards running is also reflected in the fact that more and more fun runs have been taking place in recent years. Corona has also inspired running as a sporty balance. Running is a low-contact sport that could also be practiced in lockdown. But beginners, in particular, feel almost overwhelmed by the enormous range of running shoes. So here is a brief overview of what you should pay attention to.
Wrong footwear leads to long-term problems
The feet carry the entire body weight. The spine, knees, and ankles absorb the impact, and the muscles provide the necessary stability. Good running shoes support the body in this effort.
The fit is the be-all and end-all!
Running shoes that don't fit properly rub, cause bruises, blisters, or ruin toenails. In addition, you cannot transfer your power properly into the run and you get tired quickly.
Therefore: Never buy running shoes on the side. Also, note that the foot gets thicker as the day goes on. Therefore, never go shopping first thing in the morning, rather at noon or in the afternoon.
Useful tips for buying running shoes
It is important to inquire in advance and to browse sites, where you will also find a lot of information about the shoe models. This includes facts such as possible use, type of cushioning and shoe sole, water resistance, fit, and shoe lining.
Don't buy by looks
Jogging effortlessly through nature and attracting everyone's attention because the running shoes are real eye-catchers, that's the ideal. Unfortunately, the look doesn't help at all if the shoe doesn't fit and you can't really concentrate on your running style and running rhythm.
Therefore, the following applies: First select the perfect running shoe. In the end, if there are two ideal models to choose from, you can go by color, but only then.
Seek advice
Drop, supination, and cushioning are not familiar terms? Then you should definitely seek advice. Only running with a perfectly fitting shoe also brings joy and balance. Therefore, you should use the expert knowledge of a specialist salesperson. Many online shops also offer chats for advice.
You should think about this before the interview: Do you just want to jog a little, or are you planning bigger challenges? where do you wanna run
Compare running shoe types
Which running routes do you have in mind? This is a crucial question when it comes to choosing the right sole. On a tartan track or asphalt, cushioning is important. Stability and grip are important for forest or trail runs. You should also consider a Gore-Tex membrane to keep your feet dry. Does the new trend of natural running appeal to you?
The harder the ground, the better the cushioning should be. Bodyweight also plays a role. If you are a bit more voluptuous and want to lose weight by running, you should also choose better cushioning to relieve the joints.
A running shoe is made up of layers. The sole structure under the forefoot is usually lower than the structure in the heel area. This difference is called "blasting". If the difference is very small, the calf muscles and the Achilles tendon are under a lot of strain when running.
pronation and supination
Both terms describe malpositions of the ankle when rolling. If you tend to do this, you should pay attention to good support elements when choosing a running shoe.
The size
You should always choose running shoes that are slightly larger. The feet heat up and actually get bigger. Therefore, you should first warm-up or run before you go to the shoe shop. In general, if you have the shoe on, there should still be about a thumb's width between the tip of the shoe and the end of the big toe.
If you decide on a shoe that is too small, the toenails can also be damaged.
Only those who wear running shoes that fit perfectly will enjoy the sport. Therefore, you should think carefully before buying and then make the selection together with an expert.