Shoulders Workout At Home: How To Get Cannonball Shoulders

It doesn't matter whether it's about flexing with a defined upper body when playing volleyball in the summer, having a massive appea...

It doesn't matter whether it's about flexing with a defined upper body when playing volleyball in the summer, having a massive appearance like a doorman, or giving the girls a broad shoulder to lean on, a well-trained shoulder area is just visually quite impressive. It is therefore always worth adding a few units to your strength training or incorporating exercises in which you can train the muscles in your shoulders in a targeted manner. But you don't necessarily need the heavy irons in the gym for this, because there is a wide range of exercises with which all areas of the shoulder muscles can also be strengthened at home and without any equipment.

The muscles of the shoulder

If you look at the anatomy of the shoulder, you immediately notice that the joint is surrounded by many muscles and muscle groups. These form the so-called shoulder girdle. All of these muscles work together to move the shoulder and it is therefore extremely important to train them all. But don't worry, because of the interaction of all these muscles in movements, it is also almost impossible to train one of them in isolation.

During rotational movements, the muscles of the rotator cuff are particularly active. These include the sub-scapula muscle, the upper and lower bone muscle, and the circular muscle. Also, whenever we do an exercise for the shoulder, muscles in the trunk and arms are also secondary activated, such as the pectorals, rhomboids large and small, trapezius, or biceps and triceps.

If one speaks of THE shoulder muscles, one primarily means the deltoid muscle (in Latin: Musculus deltoideus). It is the most important muscle for shoulder movements and can be divided into three muscle groups:

• Anterior deltoid (starts at the collarbone and runs from the front over the shoulder towards the biceps

• Median deltoid (runs from the shoulder blade laterally over the shoulder)

• Posterior deltoid (starts at the shoulder blade and runs from there towards the triceps or outside of the shoulder)

The quintessence of shoulder training is to specifically train this muscle or its muscle strands. But since the shoulder, as I said, is a consistently complex construct, it is impossible to strengthen just this muscle alone. So you can't help but train the other muscles of the shoulder girdle as well.

In the following, we will show you exercises that you can use to specifically train the front, middle and back shoulders and that you can easily imitate at home. To minimize the risk of injury and to be able to access your maximum performance, you should warm-up for a few minutes at the beginning of your training session. Good warm-up exercises include arm circles, standing push-ups against a wall, or other mobilization exercises.

Then do as many repetitions as you can on each exercise. But if you want to do more circuit training, you can also set a timer and do each exercise for a minute, for example.

Train the front shoulder

push up

Probably the most prominent and simplest bodyweight exercise is push-ups. In this exercise, in the starting position, push your body off the floor with your arms straight. Head, neck, spine, bottom, and knees always form a line. Then lower yourself slowly and in a controlled manner towards the floor by bending your arms and then explosively pushing yourself back up. Always keep your upper arms and elbows close to your body to give your front deltoids the greatest possible training stimulus. Always make sure to tighten your core and abdominal muscles as much as possible during the execution so that your body is stable as aboard.

Incline Push-Up Variation: To put even more focus on the deltoids, you can place your hands on a chair or the sofa so your body is in a more upright position and perform the exercise.

high plank

For this exercise, return to the push-up starting position. Now lift one hand off the floor and touch it to the shoulder of the opposite side. The goal is not to move the upper body a millimeter from the starting position, i.e. to avoid any movement in the trunk and rotation in the pelvis.

Variation: Alternatively, you can alternately stretch your hands forward like Superman or draw large circles on the floor.

Monk shoulder press

In this exercise, you stand up straight and press your palms together in front of your chest - like a praying monk. Now press your hands together as tightly as possible and bring them up in a controlled manner, as if someone is pulling your hands up by the fingertips. Try to stretch your arms out as far as you can without losing the pressure between your palms, and then lower them back down.

Train the middle shoulder

Pike push up

For this push-up variation, you first return to the starting position for push-ups. Then move your bottom toward the ceiling. Your legs don't have to be straight, but your back must be straight and your head should be in line with your spine. You can do this best if your gaze is always directed towards your feet and you stabilize your position by maximally activating your core muscles. Then you bend your arms so that the top of your head moves towards the floor and then push yourself back up.

Elevated Pike Push-Up Variation: Step your feet up onto a step, chair, or whatever is available to you. This puts your torso in a more vertical position and gives you more weight to push up with your deltoids. The steeper your upper body, the more difficult but also more effective the exercise.

side plank

For the lateral forearm support, first, lie on your side and then support yourself with your lower forearm. It is very important here that you do not sag into your shoulder joint, but rather tense your shoulder muscles properly and lift your chest. Your body should now be in a straight line. You can support your second hand on your hips or stretch it vertically upwards.

Hold this position for as long as you can, or if it's a bit more difficult, you can slowly lower your pelvis toward the floor and then raise it again. But always pay attention to the above points!

Variation "High Side Plank": If the normal side plank no longer really challenges you, you can also stretch the supporting hand. Your hand is then on the ground, fingers are parallel to your body (fingertips point towards the crown of your head). It is also particularly important here that you always keep your body tension and especially the tension in your shoulder muscles.


What you might only know from acrobatics is also an extremely effective exercise when it comes to shoulder training: the handstand. But since our project is not about balance, you should find a wall against which you can do the handstand.

Variation: From the handstand position, real muscle groups manage to bring their head towards the floor and then push themselves up again, i.e. perform a push-up upside down. If you are not sure, you should definitely put a pillow under your head to be on the safe side and reach out a little wider with your hands.

Train the back shoulder

Prone Y

Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms out in front of you so that you form a Y when viewed from above. The palms of your hands face each other and you can either put your legs down or lift them off the floor for a more challenging execution. To do this, tighten your lower back muscles. Direct your gaze to the floor so that your head is in line with your spine. Raise your arms up as high as you can, building up tension in your shoulder muscles. Then slowly lower them back down.

Prone T variation: You can also stretch your hands out to the side so your body forms a T. The palms are now facing down. Raise your arms as far up as you can. In this version, the focus is also heavily on the trapezius muscle – but it is also definitely worth training.

Captured Prisoners

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Extend your arms away from your body at a 90° angle, clench your hands into fists and place the backs of your hands on the floor. Now use your hands to push your entire upper body slightly off the floor and rotate your fists 90° towards the tips of your toes. Hold yourself in the slightly raised position for a few seconds and then lower yourself back under control.

Backward Wall Press

Lean your back against a wall and place your feet about 16 inches from the wall. Extend your arms at 45° to 90° angles away from your body and touch the wall with your upper arms. Now push your body away from the wall and hold this position for a few seconds before relaxing.

Variation: The higher you place your elbows, the more challenging the exercise becomes. You can also increase the difficulty by getting your feet further away from the wall.

Do you want to train your shoulders now? Then try the exercises right away!


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OpqMag: Shoulders Workout At Home: How To Get Cannonball Shoulders
Shoulders Workout At Home: How To Get Cannonball Shoulders
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