Science teacher and nutritionist Adriana Puente, creator of the YouTube channel 'Balanceando la Vida, comments that “ making poor choice...
Science teacher and nutritionist Adriana Puente, creator of the YouTube channel 'Balanceando la Vida, comments that “ making poor choices at breakfast will make you hungry throughout the day, and therefore it is easy to make poor choices that affect your health. weight and health .”
Eating is not the same as eating, says Renata Herrera, a food psychologist, who lists below the ten foods we should avoid.
It is the most important food
Every meal we make is important, it's true. But - as its name implies - breakfast is the first meal your body receives after a prolonged overnight fast.
What your body ingests at this time is processed in a particular way: what we eat predisposes our body and much of our mood, the processing we do of sugar, and the work of our glands. This makes it the most important meal of the day.
1 box cereal
They are practical, it seems that they have vitamins and minerals, but be careful! They have excessive amounts of sugar, even more than cookies, commercial snacks, or soft drinks. Let's look at the boxes and compare the numbers, especially if we give them to our children.
With colorful boxes and attractive characters, they promise to be comprehensive, they promise to include the percentage of nutrients that we or our children need, but they are always ultra-processed, with preservatives, with harmful chemical dyes.
The suggestion of nutritionists and specialists is to avoid their consumption completely, especially not to give them to our children.
2 Bread or pastries with butter and sugar
There are few breads on the market that include fiber. Processed flour does not retain its nutrients and gives us hollow calories that instead of nourishing us, inflame and affect us.
The pastries, baguette bread, box bread, and cookies or pasta, include refined flour. Its consumption generates glucose spikes in our blood. This causes little satiety, with the urgent short-term need to feed ourselves again.
Even worse than giving your body that sugar bomb is binding them with unhealthy fats. Sometimes, we eat bread with butter, a bad choice!
The combination of butter or margarine with bread is not suitable or enriching, because it is poor quality fat (trans fat). A rich and healthy option is to replace those non-nutritious fats with avocado.
3 fruit juices
These tempting products, which are presented as 100% fruit, or authentic, do not adequately inform us. If we stop reading the labels, we will see that they are very high in sugar. Especially the industrialized ones.
They contain very little fruit, and in addition to their natural sugars, they are sweetened with cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup that generates type 2 obesity and greatly affects our body, at least clogging arteries.
In addition, they contain additives, dyes, and chemical compounds that do not nourish and do damage.
If before this scenario you fancy a natural orange juice, stop!. Nor is it recommended to ingest the natural ones. It is better to change them for the consumption of whole fruit since the juices provide only an excess of sugar and no fiber.
4 Yogurt or a large glass of milk
It may attract us to buy, for example, an industrialized yogurt with fruit, which, being dairy, would provide protein, we think, but we should not be too confident either.
These industrialized foods are also misleading. For example, 0% fat Greek yogurt supplements this tempting offer by increasing the sugar level of the products. The elimination of fat in dairy products and the increase in sugar means that the satiety effect is less and that this choice of ours does not nourish us.
These dairy products, when they promise to include fruit, also mix it, on many occasions with the terrible corn syrup, and include dyes, industrialized fruit pulp.
What if then we prefer to have a glass of milk?
Experts explain to us that it is not such a good option either, since lactose is also processed quickly, like sugar. In addition, almost all commercial milk is industrialized. Do you also add cookies? They are ultra-processed foods, full of sugars, hydrogenated fats, ultra-processed flours.
Based on this, we can conclude that the famous prepared milk is not suitable for our little ones either.
5 oatmeal bars
Oatmeal, honey, nuts in a wrapped bar, it seems like a possible nutritious option, right? but reading the labels will leave doubts.
These industrialized products are also a poor choice, as the bars also contain sugar and corn syrup, which increase blood sugar and glucose levels and cause inflammation.
They also contain low fiber and low protein and make us hungry shortly after eating them.
6 Sausages
Sausages are a highly consumed food in many families due to their practicality: portions are easily measured, they keep for a long time, and are always available. They are also an economical way to include meat in almost any meal, but do you know what they are made of?
For the most part, they include a variety of meat that the producing companies have discarded from other sales: chops, peace, and almost always pork. The labels indicate the highest percentage of protein they contain, but almost always, they are also accompanied by soy, fat, and other meats.
They are not healthy proteins. They contain excess salt, dyes, and preservatives. Also, they are full of nitrates. The process through which the meat passes does not guarantee to preserve its properties.
7 prepared coffees
When you're in a hurry, it's delicious to stop by your special place for your cappuccino, or a white mocha. You drink it in the cardboard cup while you attend to some pending, and on top of that, you think about what you will have for breakfast afterward. Many calories!
If we like coffee, experts recommend drinking it black or with milk. We have no idea how many calories we drink, and we also accompany them with buns, cookies, bread, saturating our body with harmful, ultra-processed, little or no nutritional calories.
8 Large amounts of fruit
Eating large plates with pear, banana, watermelon, apple, and something else, seems to us to be the most nutritious. We sometimes accompany it with juice, bread and we feel satisfied when choosing it.
The recommended portions of fruit for each meal are measured by making a plate with our hand and accommodating what fits in one hand. Choosing this option saturates us with sugar and fructose and does not provide us with what our body needs.
9 Cereals such as oatmeal, even if they are whole grains
The problem with eating this option is that -considering it our breakfast-. we can abuse The measure or what is necessary to satiate our body takes many carbohydrates.
10 Fast Food Breakfasts
The worst meats, the worst oil, the worst ingredients mixed and emptied into your poor stomach are not worth the economic cost or practicality. Please avoid this option!
What does your body need?
Good fats, vegetables, and fiber. Proteins, legumes. Some options suggested by specialists are an omelet with vegetables, avocado, a smoothie with seeds, fruit, vegetables, or perhaps some delicious almond flour pancakes.
Says American Buddhist writer and teacher Jack Kornfield: “ We as human beings have the amazing ability to be reborn at breakfast every day and say, 'This is a new day .' Let's do it! Our bodies will appreciate it.